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Explore More Coaching + Travel is an all-inclusive service offering group and individual coaching and travel advising services.

Whether you're looking for a cheerleader to help you close this life chapter and start the next off right or you're looking for a wellness trip across the world, Explore More Coaching + Travel is here to help!

teal, orange, yellow, and white squiggle


Explore More of You

Explore More of You is a 3-month group coaching program that will show you how to shake those feelings of burnout, aimlessness, and dissatisfaction in your work, life, and relationships.

We’re going to go through a proven process that has everything you need to feel better.

Even if you’re worried about time, energy, or money, Explore More is here to guide you to living a life that feels wholly and authentically you.

Book Group Coaching


If you're interested in the Explore More of You program but you're wanting a more tailored approached, I also offer one-on-one coaching.

In this format, we can discuss how long you'd like to meet for, what your unique goals are for our time together, and how I can best support you on your journey to feeling better and like yourself again.

Book One-on-One Coaching


The other half of Explore More Coaching + Travel is focused on, well, travel! I specialize in wellness and self exploration trips but have planned couple and family vacations as well.

Let's talk about your dream trip and make it a reality.

Book an Trip

However you envision your journey to feeling better, I want to be your cheerleader along the way!

I think I found myself a cheerleader! ♫

Why should you work with Explore More?

1) I believe in you.

I want you to feel better and I know that you are more than capable of what you set your mind to. I'm here to remind you of how awesome you are and that you deserve to live a fulfilling life that brings you joy. Think of me as your own personal cheerleader, but without the mean girls attitude.

2) I've been where you are.

I did everything I was "supposed to do" to be happy and I felt like I was treading water. So believe me when I say I've been there and clawed my way out. Now, I'm helping others going through the same things so they can get their lives back.

3) The process I use will help you feel better. Guaranteed.

I've tested the steps and tactics that I use in my coaching program. They've been proven to help people just like you find their way back from feeling anxious, burnout, and lost to feeling better and more like themselves again.

Do you want to feel better and get your life back?

It's about damn time!
- Lizzo

This all sounds great, but I don't have...


In Explore More of You, my group coaching program, we only meet one hour every week for 12 weeks. You know what else is one hour? An episode of Ted Lasso. As much as I love Ted Lasso, I think it's worth putting off watching the newest season if that means you can start feeling better.

Sometimes we don't get to trade how we spend our self-care time or decide our schedules. I also offer an individualized version of Explore More of You for folks who need more attention or flexibility in their schedule.

No matter what time restraints may be standing in your way, I hope you know that your well-being is worth more than only one hour a week. You deserve to take the time you need to feel better.


I don't believe that anyone can put a price on you feeling better and living a life full of joy but I understand that the cost of coaching can seem high which is why I have some options for you.


When you're feeling anxious, burnt out, and lost, it's hard to feel like you have the energy to do simple things to take care of yourself. I know when I was feeling that way, I wouldn't even take my dog for walks because I was so exhausted.

BUT, you have to start somewhere to get your energy back. I hope you find Explore More of You to be your place to start. With my program, not only will your energy begin to flow back to you, but you'll develop skills to keep your energy and how to build it on days when it feels like it's fading.

Time, money, or lack of energy should never stand in the way of you living the life you deserve.

Don't stop me now!
- Queen

Who's the Person Behind Explore More?

Hi, I'm Lexi!

I'm the coach, advisor, cheerleader, and friend that wants to help you feel better and start living a life that feels like you!

I'm a recovering perfectionist and a highly sensitive person. I'm married to a wonderful man whom I love very much that I met in high school but we are not high school sweethearts. We have a lab-pit mix. She's my best little buddy and she likes to go everywhere with me.

When I was little, I was a terrified, little homebody. It wasn't until I was in college that I found that travel is the greatest gift I could give myself. I discovered that I could both heal and stretch at the same time and that was a truly incredible experience.

Lexi is looking off into the distance while shielding her eyes from the sun. She's perched on top of rocks in the Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs.

Why is Lexi a life coach?

Once upon a time, I was exactly where you are right now. I felt anxious, burnt out, and totally lost. I've figured out a way to work through those feelings and come out the other side with plan for how to make progress towards feeling better and finding meaning. No one should go through that process alone so I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way.

I mean it!

As kids, we're told that once we have the job of our dreams, everything will be perfect. We'll feel completely fulfilled and like we're never truly "working." If you get married, have the 2.5 kids, and the house with the white picket fence, everything will magically be okay.

Life doesn't actually work that way.

I've worked in several different career fields in my search for this magic job that was going to make me feel whole. I'm grateful to have a wonderful partner and our 4-legged fur baby. We started to build our home together, but something was missing. Job after job had left me feeling empty.

Where was this magic career I had been promised? I had multiple prestigious jobs where I excelled. Heck, I was a "talented and gifted" kid! So why was work making me so miserable?

I realized that I was skating through life on autopilot and not living in a real and authentic way. I was feeling anxious, burnt out, and totally lost.

Everything came to a head one day, and I broke down in tears. Is this all my life is going to be? Running from one moment of joy to the next without any real fulfillment in between? I knew I wanted more and that I deserved more, so I started looking for more.

All of those jobs and tough days lead me to where we are today. I'm living my values and following what I'm genuinely passionate about, rather than just what I'm "supposed" to do because it sounds good or it makes me lots of money.

Today, I'm living a fuller and happier life, and I want to help you do the same!

Feeling better starts here!

Why is Lexi a travel advisor?

Travel changed my life and I want to encourage other folks to travel, too.

When I was a kid, going anywhere was difficult to me due to my highly sensitive nature. I would go on family trips and my brain would just shut down with all of the new information I was experiencing.

It wasn't until I was in college and was given the option to study abroad that things began to change. I was watching my peers travel the world where English was still the primary language and I thought, well shoot. I can do that! So, in my sophomore year, I made a wild and unexpected decision to study in India.

My trip to India changed my life. Traveling the expansive country for three months and feeling like I was still only scratching the surface left me with a whole new perspective on travel.

I was so inspired that I started my search for a career in travel, wherever that may take me. I became a Delta Flight Attendant and fell in even greater love travel. I saw people celebrate being newly married and decades old anniversary. I saw folks traveling the world for work, to visit family, or mourn lost loved ones.

After traveling the world with Delta, I decided to plant my feet more permanently on the ground to spend more time with my partner. I started searching for a new career in travel that would allow me to stay home with my family and help people have their dream adventures.

Travel means something different to everyone and it's a beautiful opportunity to grow and experience the world. Whatever you hope to get out of travel, I want to help you bring your vision to life.

Let's book your next trip!